The Hosted option enables blockchain teams to easily make their data available on Dune via an Integration Toolkit. All the team or a RaaS provider needs to do is spin up a Docker container from this Node Indexer with the required configuration, and the data will start flowing to Dune.

Key Features

  • Self-Serve Flexibility: Publish and manage your data independently, leveraging Dune’s reliable and scalable infrastructure.
  • Quick to Market: Accelerate your go-to-market timeline and launch in as fast as 2 weeks.

Technical Requirements

  • Your chain must be an EVM Rollup
  • Your chain has an RPC provider that supports the following three calls:
    • eth_getBlockReceipts
    • debug_traceBlockByNumber
    • eth_getBlockByNumber
  • Your chain is running on the OP Stack, Arbitrum Nitro, Polygon CDK, or zkSync ZK stack
    The Docker Node Indexer currently only supports the OP Stack, with more support for other stacks coming soon.

Integration Toolkit

There are three components in the toolkit. The blockchain team or a RaaS provider is responsible for the first two components while Dune manages the third component.

Please head to the README on the Node Indexer to learn more about how to use it.
Integration Toolkit
  1. Config: Inputs required from the blockchain team:

    • DUNE_API_KEY: Your Dune API Key, available at
    • BLOCKCHAIN_NAME: The name of the blockchain as configured on Dune (e.g., “ethereum”).
    • RPC_NODE_URL: The URL of the RPC endpoints (e.g.,
      Please work with the Dune team to obtain the proper blockchain name and API key with the right access.
  2. Node Indexer: Does the heavy lifting of indexing the chain data and sending it to Dune

    • Provided as a Docker image in Dune’s registry
    • Run by the customer/RAAS on their preferred platform
    • Configured to connect to the specific RPC node and stack (e.g., OP)
    • Makes relevant RPC calls (eth_getBlockReceipts, debug_traceBlockByNumber, eth_getBlockByNumber)
    • Forwards data to the Dune API
      We recommend running the indexer close to EU cloud regions (optimally AWS eu-west-1) to avoid large data egress costs.
  3. Blockchain Endpoints:

    • API that accepts RPC call responses, transforms the data to match Dune’s schema, and uploads it continuously to Dune
    • Creates four raw tables on Dune: <chain>.blocks, <chain>.transactions, <chain>.traces, <chain>.logs
      Your team or a RaaS provider only needs to spin up the Node Indexer. It will handle writing to the Blockchain endpoints and transforming the RPC calls into predefined raw tables with schemas for EVM chains.


Before we dive into the considerations, it’s helpful to understand that Dune has three layers of data: Raw, Decoded, and Curated.

Dune Data Layers

It’s also useful to compare what the Fully Managed option provides versus the Hosted option in terms of these data layers. The Hosted option includes raw data, with manual decoding available, and does not include curated data.

Data LayerFully ManagedHosted
RawYesYes, but users get a warning that data is not indexed by Dune.
DecodedYes. Automatic.Yes. Manual.

Therefore, the distinctions of Hosted chains are:

  • No automatic decoded tables; analysts must manually decode protocol data in DuneSQL, requiring advanced skills.
  • Cannot be used within Dune’s Spellbook (i.e. Curated data), limiting advanced querying capabilities. For example, Uniswap on Base can be included in dex.trades, but KIM on Mode cannot.