The solana_utils.token_accounts table contains information about token accounts on the Solana blockchain. Token accounts are used to hold balances of specific tokens for Solana wallets.

This table provides essential data about token accounts, including:

  • The token account address
  • The owner of the token balance
  • The mint address of the token
  • The type of account (e.g., associated token account or regular token account)


The Solana token accounts table is useful for:

  • Tracking token balances for specific wallets
  • Analyzing the distribution of token holdings
  • Identifying associated token accounts for wallets
  • Understanding the relationship between token mints and token accounts

This table can be joined with other Solana tables to provide rich insights into token ownership and transfers on the Solana blockchain.

Datatypes on Snowflake datashare are different in some cases, read more here.

Sample Query

Query token accounts for a specific wallet

This query returns all token accounts associated with a specific wallet address:

    address AS token_account_address,
    token_balance_owner AS wallet_address,
FROM solana_utils.token_accounts
WHERE token_balance_owner = 'FG4Y3yX4AAchp1HvNZ7LfzFTewF2f6nDoMDCohTFrdpk'

This query will show you the token accounts owned by the specified wallet, including the specific token mint addresses and account types.