Transfer Summary

The labels.transfer_summary table aggregates transaction data across the total history of an address to provide a broad overview of asset flows through labeled addresses.

Column Descriptions

Column NameDescription
blockchainThe blockchain network where the transactions occurred.
addressThe blockchain address of the labeled entity involved in the transactions.
custody_ownerThe entity or organization that has custody of the address.
account_ownerThe specific account owner of the address, if applicable.
transfers_inTotal number of transfers into the address over the covered period.
transfers_outTotal number of transfers out of the address over the covered period.
usd_inTotal USD value of assets transferred into the address over the covered period.
usd_outTotal USD value of assets transferred out of the address over the covered period.
first_tx_hashTransaction hash of the first recorded transaction involving the address.
last_tx_hashTransaction hash of the last recorded transaction involving the address before data collection ended.

Table Sample

Example Query

The following SQL query demonstrates how to retrieve the transfer volume summary for a specific labeled address:

    address = '0xf09786d1e1bda9966d7166957c41bd8a66fde7cf'