Daily Transfer Summary

The labels.transfer_summary_daily table offers a daily summary into asset transfers involving labeled addresses. This table is essential for users tracking the daily financial activities of specific entities within the blockchain. This dataset includes erc20 transactions and native token transactions.

Column Descriptions

Column NameDescription
blockchainThe blockchain network where the transactions occurred.
addressThe blockchain address of the labeled entity involved in the transactions.
custody_ownerThe entity or organization that has custody of the address.
account_ownerThe specific account owner of the address, if applicable.
block_dateThe date on which the transactions were recorded.
transfers_inThe number of transfers into the address on the specified day.
transfers_outThe number of transfers out of the address on the specified day.
usd_inThe total USD value of assets transferred into the address on the specified day.
usd_outThe total USD value of assets transferred out of the address on the specified day.

Table Sample

SELECT * FROM labels.transfer_summary_daily
WHERE address = '0x7777773606e7e46c8ba8b98c08f5cd218e31d340' AND block_date BETWEEN '2023-10-27' AND '2024-03-01'