Table Description

The nft.mints table on Dune is essential for capturing and analyzing Non-Fungible Token (NFT) minting events across various blockchain networks. It serves as a crucial resource for understanding the creation and initial distribution of NFTs, providing insights into project launches, artist activity, and the growth of NFT collections.

This table is not well maintained and misses coverage on chains and projects.


The nft.mints table is a valuable tool for examining the NFT creation process. It offers detailed information about each NFT minting event, including data points such as the minting timestamp, the address of the minter, the contract address, and specifics about the minted NFT. This table enables analysts to explore trends in NFT creation, track the launch of new collections, and analyze patterns in minting behavior across different projects and blockchain networks.


Column Descriptions

Datatypes on Snowflake datashare are different in some cases, read more here.

Table Sample