
Liquidation is another MEV strategy. This table contains details related to executed liquidations.

Query examples can be found here: Liquidations by Protocol

Column nameTypeDescription
created_atstringTime of the records creation
transaction_hashstringTransaction hash
trace_addressstringTrace pattern related to the position of the transaction in the chain of all transactions related to the MEV trade.
debt_token_addressstringUnderlying token address of the debt to pay
received_amountbigintAmount received from the liquidation
protocolstringProtocol name
liquidated_userstringAddress of the liquidated user
liquidator_userstringAddress of the liquidator user
received_token_addressstringAddress of the received asset
block_numberbigintBlock number
debt_purchase_amountbigintAmount of purchased debt
timestamptimestampTimestamp of the latest update of the file