
This table contains summary of all the classified transactions

Query examples can be found here: Miner Revenue from Liquidations and Arbitrages

Column nameTypeDescription
block_timestamptimestampBlock timestamp
block_numberbigintBlock number
base_fee_per_gasbigintBase fee per gas
coinbase_transferbigintDirect transfer to miner’s address
errorstringError if exists
gas_pricebigintPrice of the gas
gas_price_with_coinbase_transferbigintAmount of gas spent + direct transfer to miner address
gas_usedbigintAmount of gas used
gross_profit_usddoubleTotal profit from the transaction in usd
miner_addressstringAddress of the miner
miner_payment_usddoublePayment received by the miner in usd
protocolstringMain interacted protocol
protocolsstringList of protocols involved in the transaction
transaction_hashstringHash of the transaction
typestringType of the MEV (e.g. arbitrage)
timestamptimestampTimestamp of the latest update of the file