The labels.owner_details table on Dune provides essential information about various entities within the ecosystem, detailing their operational, social, and technical profiles.

Data in this table is sourced from community contributions and official documentation, offering a comprehensive overview of the entities’ activities, categories, and online presence. Analysts can leverage this data to track the latest developments, partnerships, and projects associated with specific entities.

You can find addresses assocaited with the account owners and custody owners in the labels.owner_addresses table.

Column Descriptions

Column NameDescription
nameThe name of the entity.
owner_keyA unique identifier for the owner.
websiteOfficial website URL of the entity.
dune_teamIndicates if the entity is part of the Dune team (deprecated/not widely used, often null).
project_documentationLink to the official documentation of the project.
project_github_urlGitHub URL if the project is open-source.
socialSocial media or other online presence links.
primary_categoryThe primary category under which the entity operates (e.g., DEX, Oracle).
category_tagsAdditional tags related to the category such as functionalities or special features.
country_nameThe country in which the entity is based.
descriptionA brief description of the entity and its operations.
created_atTimestamp of when the record was first created.
created_byIdentifier of the contributor who created the record.
updated_atTimestamp of the last update to the record.
updated_byIdentifier of the contributor who last updated the record.

Table Sample

Example Query

The following SQL query demonstrates how to retrieve basic information about entities categorized as ‘Decentralized Exchange’:

  primary_category = 'Decentralized Exchange'