
Dune and its community are building a collection of curated data tables that make it easier to query and analyze blockchain data. These tables are built using dbt, a tool that allows you to transform data in your warehouse using SQL and Jinja templating. We sometimes refer to these tables as spells and the collection of them as spellbook.

The curated data tables are built on top of raw data tables and provide a high-level view of the data. For example, the dex.trades table aggregates data from multiple sources to provide a comprehensive view of all trades on decentralized exchanges.

The curated data tables are maintained in the Spellbook repository and are available for anyone to use. You can find the documentation and code for each table in the Spellbook Docs.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of some of the curated data tables available in Spellbook:

Benefits of curated data Tables

Curated data tables provide several benefits:

  • Simplified Queries: curated data tables make it easier to query and analyze blockchain data by providing a high-level view of the data.
  • Consistent Data Models: The curated data tables follow a consistent data model, making it easier to combine data from different sources.
  • Community Contributions: The curated data tables are maintained by the Dune community, so anyone can contribute to them and improve the data quality.
