
The prices.minute table provides the most granular price data for tokens across multiple blockchains, updated every minute. For details on price calculation methodology, including VWAP calculations and outlier filtering, see the Prices Overview.

Table Structure

Column nameData typeDescription
contract_addressvarbinaryUnique identifier of the token (contract address for ERC20, mint address for Solana, null for native currencies)
blockchainvarcharThe blockchain on which the token exists
symbolvarcharThe identifier of the asset (ticker, cashtag)
pricedoubleThe price of the asset in USD for each minute
timestamptimestampThe timestamp for which this price is reported


This table is ideal for high-frequency analysis and examining short-term price movements. It’s particularly useful for studying price impacts of specific events or transactions.

Latency and Update Frequency

The prices.minute table is updated hourly based on the upstream dex.trades data pipeline. As a result, prices typically have a latency of approximately 1 hour from real-time.

Example Query

FROM prices.minute
    blockchain = 'ethereum'
    AND contract_address = 0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2 -- WETH
    AND timestamp >= NOW() - INTERVAL '1' HOUR
ORDER BY timestamp

This query retrieves minute-by-minute prices for WETH on Ethereum for the past hour.


  • Due to its high granularity, queries on this table may be more resource-intensive. Consider using prices.hour or for longer time ranges or if minute-level precision is not required.
  • As with all price tables, always use contract_address and blockchain for precise token identification.
  • The minute-level data is particularly useful for analyzing price impacts of specific transactions or events with high temporal precision.
  • For details on price calculation methodology, including VWAP calculations and outlier filtering, see the Prices Overview.