Table description

Contains relevant data associated with each transaction.

Column Descriptions

block_heightThe height of the block where the transaction occurred.bigint
chain_idThe ID of the chain where the transaction occurred.varchar
tx_idThe unique ID of the transaction.varchar
tx_infoInformation related to the transaction.varchar
tx_log_messageThe log message associated with the transaction.varchar
memoA memo associated with the transaction.varchar
feeThe fee associated with the transaction.varchar
tx_codeThe result code of the transaction.bigint
tx_indexThe index of the transaction within the block.bigint
gas_usedThe amount of gas used by the transaction.bigint
gas_wantedThe amount of gas requested by the transaction.bigint
schema_versionThe schema version for the transaction data.bigint
fee_coinsThe coins used to pay the transaction fee.varchar
fee_granterThe address granting the fee for the transaction.varchar
fee_payerThe address paying the fee for the transaction.varchar
gas_limitThe gas limit set for the transaction.bigint
single_sign_modeThe signing mode for single-signature transactions.bigint
multi_sign_jsonJSON structure for multi-signature transactions.varchar
timeout_heightThe timeout height set for the transaction.varchar
updated_atTimestamp of when the record was last updated.timestamp(3) with time zone
ingested_atTimestamp of when the record was ingested into Dune.timestamp(3) with time zone

Table Sample