Table description

This table contains block chunk data on NEAR. Chunk of a block is a part of a block from a shard. The collection of chunks of the block forms the NEAR Protocol block.

Column Descriptions

dateThe date of the block where the chunk is
heightThe block height at which the chunk was produced.bigint
timeThe timestamp of when the chunk was produced.timestamp(3) with time zone
hashThe hash of the chunk.varchar
prev_hashThe hash of the previous chunk in the chain.varchar
gas_priceGas price paid for executing the chunk.bigint
author_account_idThe account that produced the chunk.varchar
epoch_idThe ID of the epoch in which the chunk was produced.varchar
shard_idThe shard ID that contains the chunk.bigint
chunk_hashHash of the chunk.varchar
chunk_signatureThe cryptographic signature validating the chunk.varchar
chunk_gas_limitMaximum gas limit for this chunk.bigint
chunk_gas_usedGas actually used in the chunk.bigint
chunk_author_account_idThe account that produced this chunk.varchar
processed_timeTimestamp when the chunk was processed into Dune.timestamp(3) with time zone
updated_atTimestamp when this chunk was last updated.timestamp(3) with time zone
ingested_atTimestamp when this chunk data was ingested into Dune.timestamp(3) with time zone

Table Sample