Table description

This table contains information about all transactions on the Starknet blockchain, including both user-initiated and system transactions. Transactions are the actions that modify the state of the blockchain, such as transfers of tokens or the execution of smart contracts. Each transaction is uniquely identified and linked to the block in which it was included.

Column Descriptions

Datatypes on Snowflake datashare are different in some cases, read more here.
  • Prior to v3 transactions upgrade, fees are denominated in wei as users pay gas with ETH. For transactions v3 and later, fees are denominated in fri as users pay gas with STRK. Hence here you can see two gas types of gas fields, one for wei and one for fri.
  • Starting with Starknet v0.13.1, Starknet distinguishes between blocks whose state diffs are sent to L1 as calldata and blocks whose state diffs are sent to L1 as blobs. The l1_da_mode property in the Starknet block header contains this information. Values possible are BLOB or CALLDATA.
  • The type fields denotes different types of transactions supported by Starknet. Possible values are: INVOKE, L1_HANDLER, DECLARE, DEPLOY_ACCOUNT, and DEPLOY.
  • The fee_data_availability_mode field denotes the storage domain of the account’s balance from which fee will be charged. It can be one of ‘L1’ or ‘L2’
  • The block_status has possible values ACCEPTED_ON_L1 or ACCEPTED_ON_L2. Read here to learn more about different transaction status.
  • The actual_fee has the actual fee paid for the transaction, to be used together with actual_fee_unit.

Table Sample