Trending Contracts
Get trending contracts deployed on any EVM chain based on activity in last 30 days
Use Cases
- Feed into a CRM of developers and projects based on contract popularity
- Build an explorer page of top trending contracts, with basic metadata to support.
- Track trending contracts by value and type (user facing, contract facing, token, router, safes, etc.)
Column Descriptions
Column Name | Description | Type |
contract_address | Contract address of the contract | string |
blockchain | Blockchain of the contract | string |
deployer | Deployer address of the contract | string |
contract_project | Project of the contract | string |
contract_name | Name of the contract | string |
created_time | Time when the contract was created | string |
deployed_days_ago | Number of days since deployment | integer |
token_standard | Standard of the token (ERC20,ERC721,ERC1155) if applicable | string |
usd_value_received | Value received in USD in ETH and ERC20 tokens in last 30 days | integer |
transaction_calls | Number of transaction calls (top level transactions) in last 30 days | integer |
unique_callers | Number of unique callers (tx from) in last 30 days | integer |
contract_calls | Number of calls from other contracts in last 30 days | integer |
unique_contract_callers | Number of unique contracts calling this contract in traces in last 30 days | integer |
API Key for the service
Path Parameters
The blockchain where the token pair is traded
Query Parameters
API Key, alternative to using the HTTP header X-Dune-Api-Key
This enables returning a query result that was too large and only a partial result is available. By default allow_partial_results is set to false and a failed state is returned.
Specifies a comma-separated list of column names to return. If omitted, all columns are included. Tip: use this to limit the result to specific columns, reducing datapoints cost of the call.
Expression to filter out rows from the results to return. This expression is similar to a SQL WHERE clause. More details about it in the Filtering section of the doc. This parameter is incompatible with sample_count.
There is a default 250,000 datapoints limit to make sure you don't accidentally spend all your credits in one call. To ignore the max limit, you can add ignore_max_datapoints_per_request=true
Limit number of rows to return. This together with 'offset' allows easy pagination through results in an incremental and efficient way. This parameter is incompatible with sampling (sample_count).
Offset row number to start (inclusive, first row means offset=0) returning results from. This together with 'limit' allows easy pagination through results in an incremental and efficient way. This parameter is incompatible with sampling (sample_count).
Number of rows to return from the result by sampling the data. This is useful when you
want to get a uniform sample instead of the entire result. If the result has less
than the sample count, the entire result is returned. Note that this will return a
randomized sample, so not every call will return the same result. This parameter is
incompatible with offset
, limit
, and filters
Expression to define the order in which the results should be returned. This expression is similar to a SQL ORDER BY clause. More details about it in the Sorting section of the doc.
Timestamp of when the query execution was cancelled, if applicable.
Timestamp of when the query execution ended.
Unique identifier for the execution of the query.
Timestamp of when the query execution started.
Timestamp of when the query result expires.
Whether the state of the query execution is terminal. This can be used for polling purposes.
Offset that can be used to retrieve the next page of results.
URI that can be used to fetch the next page of results.
Unique identifier of the query.
The object containing the results and metadata of the query execution
The state of the query execution.
Timestamp of when the query was submitted.
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