Upload CSV
This API allows for anyone to upload a CSV as a table in Dune. The size limit per upload is currently 200MB. Your storage is limited by plan, 1MB on free, 15GB on plus, and 50GB on premium.
You can also upload CSV through the Dune UI by pressing the “create” dropdown.
For working with uploads, keep in mind that:
- File has to be < 200 MB
- Column names in the table can’t start with a special character or digits.
- Private uploads require a Premium subscription.
- If you upload to an existing table name, it will delete the old data and overwite it with your new data. Appends are only supported for the
endpoints. - To delete an upload table, you must go to
user settings (dune.com) -> data -> delete
If you have larger datasets you want to upload, please contact us here
Upload via google sheet
To automate the upload of a Google Sheet’s contents to Dune via API, use the following Google Apps Script:
Steps to Use:
- Open your Google Sheet
- Navigate to Extensions → Apps Script
- Replace the script with the code above
- Save and run uploadToDune
- (Optional) For easier execution, you can assign this script to a button in your Google Sheet:
- Click “Insert” in the Google Sheets menu
- Select “Drawing”
- Create a button shape and add text like “Upload to Dune”
- Click “Save and Close”
- Right-click the button and select “Assign script”
- Enter “uploadToDune” as the function name
- Clicking the button will now upload your active sheet’s data to Dune!
API Key for accessing this service
The data to be uploaded in CSV format.
Description of the upload.
"10 year daily interest rates, sourced from https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/DGS10"
The name of the table to store the data.
Indicates if the upload is private.
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