Table Description

Stores message data that is exchanged between smart contracts and users on the TON network. This table is partitioned by block_date.

Column Descriptions

block_timetimestampTimestamp of when the block containing the message was created
block_datedateDate of when the block containing the message was created
tx_hashstringTransaction hash associated with the message
tx_ltbigintTransaction logical time
tx_nowintTransaction timestamp
msg_hashstringUnique hash of the message
directionstringDirection of the message flow
trace_idstringTrace identifier for message tracking
sourcestringSource address of the message
destinationstringDestination address of the message
valuebigintValue transferred in the message
fwd_feebigintForward fee for the message
ihr_feebigintIHR (Instant Hypercube Routing) fee
created_ltbigintLogical time when message was created
created_atbigintUnix timestamp when message was created
opcodeintOperation code of the message
ihr_disabledbooleanWhether IHR is disabled for this message
bouncebooleanWhether the message can bounce
bouncedbooleanWhether the message was bounced
import_feebigintImport fee for the message
body_hashstringHash of the message body
body_bocbinaryBinary data of the message body
commentstringHuman-readable comment attached to the message
init_state_hashstringHash of the initial state
init_state_bocbinaryBinary data of the initial state
updated_attimestampLast time the record was updated
ingested_attimestampTime when the record was ingested

Table Sample