Description of the ton.messages table on Dune
Table Description
Stores message data that is exchanged between smart contracts and users on the TON network. This table is partitioned by block_date.
Column Descriptions
Column | Type | Description |
block_time | timestamp | Timestamp of when the block containing the message was created |
block_date | date | Date of when the block containing the message was created |
tx_hash | string | Transaction hash associated with the message |
tx_lt | bigint | Transaction logical time |
tx_now | int | Transaction timestamp |
msg_hash | string | Unique hash of the message |
direction | string | Direction of the message flow |
trace_id | string | Trace identifier for message tracking |
source | string | Source address of the message |
destination | string | Destination address of the message |
value | bigint | Value transferred in the message |
fwd_fee | bigint | Forward fee for the message |
ihr_fee | bigint | IHR (Instant Hypercube Routing) fee |
created_lt | bigint | Logical time when message was created |
created_at | bigint | Unix timestamp when message was created |
opcode | int | Operation code of the message |
ihr_disabled | boolean | Whether IHR is disabled for this message |
bounce | boolean | Whether the message can bounce |
bounced | boolean | Whether the message was bounced |
import_fee | bigint | Import fee for the message |
body_hash | string | Hash of the message body |
body_boc | binary | Binary data of the message body |
comment | string | Human-readable comment attached to the message |
init_state_hash | string | Hash of the initial state |
init_state_boc | binary | Binary data of the initial state |
updated_at | timestamp | Last time the record was updated |
ingested_at | timestamp | Time when the record was ingested |
Table Sample
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