Table Description

Records all transactions processed on the TON network, including transfers and smart contract interactions. This table is partitioned by block_date.

Column Descriptions

block_timetimestampTimestamp of when the block containing the transaction was created
block_datedateDate of when the block containing the transaction was created
accountstringAccount address involved in the transaction
hashstringTransaction hash
ltbigintLogical time of the transaction
block_workchainintWorkchain identifier of the block
block_shardbigintShard identifier of the block
block_seqnointSequence number of the block
mc_block_seqnointMasterchain block sequence number
trace_idstringTrace identifier for transaction tracking
prev_trans_hashstringHash of the previous transaction
prev_trans_ltbigintLogical time of the previous transaction
nowintUnix timestamp of the transaction
orig_statusstringOriginal status of the transaction
end_statusstringFinal status of the transaction
total_feesbigintTotal fees paid for the transaction
account_state_hash_beforestringHash of account state before transaction
account_state_hash_afterstringHash of account state after transaction
account_state_code_hash_beforestringHash of account state code before transaction
account_state_code_hash_afterstringHash of account state code after transaction
account_state_balance_beforebigintAccount balance before transaction
account_state_balance_afterbigintAccount balance after transaction
descrstringDescription of the transaction
abortedbooleanWhether the transaction was aborted
destroyedbooleanWhether the account was destroyed
credit_firstbooleanWhether credit was processed first
is_tockbooleanWhether the transaction is a tock
installedbooleanWhether contract was installed
storage_fees_collectedbigintStorage fees collected
storage_fees_duebigintStorage fees due
storage_status_changestringChange in storage status
credit_due_fees_collectedbigintCredit fees collected
creditbigintCredit amount
compute_skippedbooleanWhether computation was skipped
skipped_reasonstringReason for skipping computation
compute_successbooleanWhether computation was successful
compute_msg_state_usedbooleanWhether message state was used in computation
compute_account_activatedbooleanWhether account was activated during computation
compute_gas_feesbigintGas fees for computation
compute_gas_usedbigintAmount of gas used in computation
compute_gas_limitbigintGas limit for computation
compute_gas_creditbigintGas credit for computation
compute_modeintComputation mode
compute_exit_codeintExit code of computation
compute_exit_argintExit argument of computation
compute_vm_stepsbigintNumber of VM steps in computation
compute_vm_init_state_hashstringHash of VM initial state
compute_vm_final_state_hashstringHash of VM final state
action_successbooleanWhether action was successful
action_validbooleanWhether action was valid
action_no_fundsbooleanWhether action failed due to insufficient funds
action_status_changestringChange in action status
action_total_fwd_feesbigintTotal forward fees for actions
action_total_action_feesbigintTotal fees for actions
action_result_codeintResult code of action
action_result_argintResult argument of action
action_tot_actionsintTotal number of actions
action_spec_actionsintNumber of special actions
action_skipped_actionsintNumber of skipped actions
action_msgs_createdintNumber of messages created by action
action_action_list_hashstringHash of action list
action_tot_msg_size_cellsbigintTotal message size in cells
action_tot_msg_size_bitsbigintTotal message size in bits
bouncestringWhether the transaction bounced
bounce_msg_size_cellsbigintBounce message size in cells
bounce_msg_size_bitsbigintBounce message size in bits
bounce_req_fwd_feesbigintRequired forward fees for bounce
bounce_msg_feesbigintMessage fees for bounce
bounce_fwd_feesbigintForward fees for bounce
split_info_cur_shard_pfx_lenintCurrent shard prefix length for split
split_info_acc_split_depthintAccount split depth
split_info_this_addrstringThis address in split
split_info_sibling_addrstringSibling address in split
updated_attimestampLast time the record was updated
ingested_attimestampTime when the record was ingested

Table Sample