Table Description

Stores blob sidecar data that is exchanged between validators and users on the Beacon network. This table is partitioned by block_date.

Column Descriptions

block_epochlongEpoch number when the block containing the blob sidecar was proposed.
block_slotlongSlot number within the epoch when the block containing the blob sidecar was proposed.
block_timetimestampTimestamp when the block containing the blob sidecar was included in the chain.
block_datedateDate corresponding to the block_time.
indexlongIndex of the blob sidecar within the block.
proposer_indexlongValidator index of the block proposer.
kzg_commitmentbinaryKZG commitment for the blob, ensuring data availability and integrity.
kzg_commitment_inclusion_proofbinaryProof that the KZG commitment is included in the block, verifying its validity.
kzg_proofbinaryKZG proof associated with the blob, used for data verification.
body_rootbinaryRoot hash of the block body, representing its contents.
parent_rootbinaryRoot hash of the parent block, linking to the previous block in the chain.
state_rootbinaryRoot hash of the state after processing the block, reflecting the system’s state.
signaturebinaryBLS signature of the block proposer, ensuring authenticity.
blobbinaryThe actual blob data associated with the sidecar, containing arbitrary data stored temporarily.

Table Sample