Table Description

Stores information about blocks in the Ethereum 2.0 Beacon Chain, including the block proposer, block metadata, and the blob sidecar associated with the block.

Column Descriptions

epochlongEpoch number when the block was proposed.
slotlongSlot number within the epoch when the block was proposed.
timetimestampTimestamp when the block was included in the chain.
datedateDate corresponding to the time.
parent_rootbinaryRoot hash of the parent block, linking to the previous block in the chain.
proposer_indexlongValidator index of the block proposer.
state_rootbinaryRoot hash of the state after processing the block, reflecting the system’s state.
execution_optimisticbooleanIndicates if the block is considered optimistic in terms of execution.
finalizedbooleanIndicates if the block has been finalized.
versionstringVersion of the block structure or protocol.
signaturebinaryBLS signature of the block proposer, ensuring authenticity.
graffitibinaryArbitrary data included by the proposer, often used for identification or messages.
randao_revealbinaryRevealed RANDAO value used for randomness in validator selection.
eth1_block_hashbinaryHash of the latest Ethereum 1.0 block observed by the proposer.
eth1_deposit_countlongNumber of deposits from Ethereum 1.0 included up to this block.
eth1_deposit_rootbinaryRoot hash of the deposit tree containing Ethereum 1.0 deposits.
execution_payload_timestamplongTimestamp of the execution payload within the block.
execution_payload_base_fee_per_gaslongBase fee per gas for transactions in the execution payload.
execution_payload_block_hashbinaryHash of the execution payload block.
execution_payload_block_numberlongBlock number of the execution payload.
execution_payload_extra_databinaryExtra data field in the execution payload, containing arbitrary data.
execution_payload_fee_recipientbinaryAddress of the fee recipient for transaction fees in the execution payload.
execution_payload_gas_limitlongGas limit for the execution payload block.
execution_payload_gas_usedlongAmount of gas used in the execution payload block.
execution_payload_logs_bloombinaryBloom filter for logs in the execution payload, used for quick log searches.
execution_payload_parent_hashbinaryHash of the parent execution payload block.
execution_payload_prev_randaobinaryPrevious RANDAO value in the execution payload, used for randomness.
execution_payload_receipts_rootbinaryRoot hash of the receipts trie for transactions in the execution payload.
execution_payload_state_rootbinaryRoot hash of the state trie after applying the execution payload.
execution_payload_transactionsarrayList of transactions included in the execution payload.
sync_committee_bitsbinaryBitfield indicating which sync committee members have signed off on the block.
sync_committee_signaturebinaryAggregate signature from the sync committee members for the block.

Table Sample