Table Description

Stores deposit data for validators joining the Beacon network. This table is partitioned by block_date.

Column Descriptions

block_epochlongEpoch number when the block containing the deposit was proposed.
block_slotlongSlot number within the epoch when the block containing the deposit was proposed.
block_timetimestampTimestamp when the block containing the deposit was included in the chain.
block_datedateDate corresponding to the block_time.
amountlongAmount of ETH deposited, specified in Gwei.
pubkeybinaryBLS public key of the validator making the deposit.
signaturebinaryBLS signature verifying the deposit data.
withdrawal_credentialsbinaryCredentials specifying the withdrawal address or conditions.
proofbinaryMerkle proof demonstrating the inclusion of the deposit in the Ethereum 1.0 deposit contract.

Table Sample