Table Description

Stores information about proposer slashings on the Beacon Chain. A proposer slashing occurs when a validator proposes two conflicting blocks at the same slot. This table contains information about the conflicting blocks and the proposer responsible for the slashing.

block_epochlongEpoch number when the block containing the proposer slashing was proposed.
block_slotlongSlot number within the epoch when the block containing the proposer slashing was proposed.
block_timetimestampTimestamp when the block containing the proposer slashing was included in the chain.
block_datedateDate corresponding to the block_time.
signed_header_1_body_rootbinaryRoot hash of the body of the first conflicting block header.
signed_header_1_parent_rootbinaryRoot hash of the parent block referenced by the first conflicting block header.
signed_header_1_proposer_indexlongValidator index of the proposer for the first conflicting block.
signed_header_1_slotlongSlot number for which the first conflicting block was proposed.
signed_header_1_state_rootbinaryRoot hash of the state after processing the first conflicting block.
signed_header_1_signaturebinaryBLS signature of the proposer for the first conflicting block.
signed_header_2_body_rootbinaryRoot hash of the body of the second conflicting block header.
signed_header_2_parent_rootbinaryRoot hash of the parent block referenced by the second conflicting block header.
signed_header_2_proposer_indexlongValidator index of the proposer for the second conflicting block.
signed_header_2_slotlongSlot number for which the second conflicting block was proposed.
signed_header_2_state_rootbinaryRoot hash of the state after processing the second conflicting block.
signed_header_2_signaturebinaryBLS signature of the proposer for the second conflicting block.

Table Sample