The LiveFetch functions send HTTP requests to a specified URL. Using the LiveFetch functions, you can interact with HTTP servers directly in SQL queries. They allow to fetch data from external APIs, as well as invoke remote procedure calls.

With the LiveFetch functions we can e.g. pull in a list of coins from coingecko:

    AS array(json))) t(coin_data)

API support and credentials

There are no limits to the supported APIs. The URL can point to any public or private API.

If you need to pass credentials for the API, you can include them in the headers. For example, you can use the Authorization header to pass a token. If you choose to hardcode the credentials in the query, please make sure to keep the query private. Optionally, you can use a query parameter as a placeholder:

SELECT http_get(



http_get(url: varchar) → varchar

http_get(url: varchar, headers: array(varchar)) → varchar

The function sends an HTTP GET request to the given URL, optionally including the provided headers, and returns the response body as varchar.

Often, the response is a JSON document. You can process it further with JSON-processing SQL functions. Other response formats, like html, are also supported.


http_post(url: varchar, body: varchar) → varchar

http_post(url: varchar, body: varchar, headers: array(varchar)) → varchar

The function sends an HTTP POST request to the given URL, including the provided data in the request body, and optionally including the headers. It returns the response body as varchar.

The type of the body argument is varchar. It gives you flexibility to send JSON data as well as text.


Call timeout: A call issued by an HTTP function times out after 5 seconds.

Throttling: Requests from each query execution are limited to 50 requests per second per proxy. There are currently 3 proxies configured per clusterset. The rate limit is shared between all HTTP function calls made within the query.

Response size limit: Maximum accepted response body size is 4_194_304 bytes (4 MiB).

Request size limit: Maximum accepted request body size for http_post() is 1_000_000 bytes.


Single HTTP GET request to list coins from CoinGecko

SELECT http_get('');

Multiple HTTP GET requests parametrized with Dune data

    http_get(concat('', CAST(contract_address AS varchar)))
FROM tokens_ethereum.stablecoins;

JSON processing with http_get()

        http_get(concat('', CAST(contract_address AS varchar))),
        'lax $.coins.*?(@.decimals==18).keyvalue()?("symbol" ||"price" ||"decimals").value'
) as coin_data
FROM tokens_ethereum.stablecoins;

Using http_get() in a subquery as a static filter

By wrapping the http_get() function in a subquery, you can use it as a static filter in the main query. It helps to avoid repeating the same HTTP request multiple times.

    ethereum.transactions t1,
    (SELECT from_hex(json_extract_scalar(http_get(''),'$.address'))) t2(x)
WHERE t1."from" = t2.x;

RPC call with http_post()

SELECT http_post(
		ARRAY['Content-Type: application/json']);

If you want a more complex example, see this post call to compound comet read functions here.

Handling quotation marks

If your payload contains the ' character, you need to quote it properly because it is the bounding character of varchar. Each ' character should be doubled, and the query engine will unwrap them.

SELECT json_value(
				ARRAY['MyHeader : Use two '' quotes']),
			'lax $.headers.Myheader');